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Renesas Factory Sudden Lightning Strike! 90% equipment strikes!

Renesas Factory Sudden Lightning Strike! 90% equipment strikes!


The Renesas factory was struck by lightning, and 90% of the equipment went on strike. Whether the price of automotive MCUs will be upgraded and raised has also become the focus of attention.

Mingjiada news, Renesas issued a statement on July 6 stating that due to local thunderstorms caused by the No. 4 typhoon "Avery", the company's Kawajiri factory wire in Kumamoto City, Kumamoto Prefecture was struck by lightning, resulting in an instantaneous voltage drop, causing The Kawajiri Plant has been temporarily suspended since July 5. The Kawajiri Plant produces automotive MCUs and other products. Production capacity is expected to return to pre-shutdown levels on July 11.


Renesas pointed out that in order to prevent the instantaneous voltage drop, the company has introduced countermeasures such as UPS (uninterruptible power supply system), but the duration of this voltage drop is much longer than what has happened in the past 10 years and the company's estimates. , resulting in about 90% of the equipment downtime.

Renesas said that it has restarted production equipment and some projects, and has restarted production from the 6th. It is estimated that the production capacity will return to the level before the shutdown (before the instantaneous voltage drop) on July 11.

Renesas pointed out that when the instantaneous voltage drop occurs, the semi-finished products (work-in-process) that are being produced on the production line of the Kawajiri plant are estimated to be partially destroyed, and the production loss caused by the destruction of the semi-finished products and the decline in the plant utilization rate is estimated to be at most about 2 Weekly output.

In addition to the lightning strike on the power line, Renesas' Japanese factories are also in constant condition recently.

On the evening of June 26, an earthquake with a magnitude of 5 or less occurred in the Kyushu region of Japan, with the epicenter in Kumamoto Prefecture, Kumamoto Prefecture. Renesas' Kawajiri and Nishiki factories were located near the epicenter, but the buildings, utilities and manufacturing equipment of the factories were not damaged, and both factories continued to operate. Some equipment at the Kawajiri Plant ceased operation. However, the earthquake at that time did not have any impact on the entire supply chain of Renesas Electronics.

According to public information, Renesas' automotive MCU has a global market share of about 17%, and its automotive MCUs are mainly used in automotive instrumentation, vehicle engine, engine management, motor control and chassis.

At present, Renesas' automotive-grade chips are still in short supply, but they have eased compared to last year and the first quarter of this year, which means that the long-term shortage that has plagued automakers and other industries for more than a year can just take a breather. At that time, the Renesas factory was struck by lightning, and 90% of the equipment went on strike. Whether the price of automotive MCUs will be upgraded and raised has become the focus of attention.

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