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The iPhone 14 series will be mass-produced as soon as early August!

The iPhone 14 series will be mass-produced as soon as early August!


Apples new iPhone 14 series will be mass-produced as soon as early August

Mingjiada News On June 27, with the approaching of Apple's autumn new product launch in September, Apple's new iPhone 14 series will be mass-produced at the earliest in early August. In order to ensure production, the largest assembly base for the recent iPhone 14 series - Zhengzhou Foxconn has begun to expand recruitment.


According to the recruitment information released by Zhengzhou Foxconn, in addition to ordinary employees, this recruitment also waved to the trainees and gave a recommendation bonus of RMB 6,000. At the same time, resigned employees are also welcome to return. An entry bonus of RMB 5,400 will be given.

People close to Foxconn believe that based on Apple’s current production capacity concerns, the iPhone 14 series will be stocked at least two months ahead of schedule this year. It is expected that this year’s iPhone 14 stocking will be higher than the 30 million iPhone 13 units to cope with the sudden supply. chain risk.

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