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IoT chip company Dao Biolink announced the completion of RMB 100 million in Series A financing

IoT chip company Dao Biolink announced the completion of RMB 100 million in Series A financing


Dao Bio-Link recently announced the completion of the A round of financing of RMB 100 million. It is reported that the funds from this round of financing will be mainly used for market promotion and new product research and development.

On May 25th, Shanghai Dao Biolink Technology Co., Ltd. (referred to as “Dao Biolink”) recently announced the completion of a RMB 100 million Series A financing. This round of financing was led by Gongshan Capital, Xinyi Capital, Jiadao Private Capital and Ruijiang Investment followed the investment, among which Jia Dao Private Capital also participated in the previous angel round and Pre-A financing. It is reported that the funds from this round of financing will be mainly used for market promotion and research and development of new products.

According to the data, Dao Biolink was established in 2019, and the company focuses on the research and development of industry-leading wireless IoT transmission technologies and solutions. The company has a top wireless communication and chip design team, and has developed a new generation of LPWAN technology - TurMass with completely independent intellectual property rights, including core patented technologies, system standards and chips.

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