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A variety of high-end AR products will appear in the Chinese market in 2022

A variety of high-end AR products will appear in the Chinese market in 2022


Since last year, with the rise of the metaverse concept and the commercial success of Metas consumer-grade VR headset Oculus, Chinas XR market has ushered in a second wave, and mobile giants represented by Huawei, Xiaomi and OPPO have Next, release it…

     Since last year, with the rise of the metaverse concept and the commercial success of Meta's consumer-grade VR headset Oculus, China's XR market has ushered in a second wave, and mobile giants represented by Huawei, Xiaomi and OPPO have Next, release its own brand of XR products.

     According to a report on "China XR Market Overview" released by Counterpoint Research, the report pointed out that in the second half of 2021, three of the top five smartphone manufacturers in China launched their own-brand AR glasses. It can be seen from this that the AR glasses category has become the most competitive category in China's XR industry with its relatively low entry threshold and great potential, and has also become the next leading device for smart wearable devices.


      Analysts at Counterpoint expect that in 2022, a variety of AR glasses will be launched on the market, including Nreal Air, Huawei Eyewear 3, OPPO Air Glass, RokidVision, and possibly Xiaomi AR glasses.

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