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Affected by the lack of cores, this year's global auto production has decreased by 1.8842 million

Affected by the lack of cores, this year's global auto production has decreased by 1.8842 million


A few days ago, the auto industry data forecast company AutoForecast Solutions (hereinafter referred to as AFS) released the latest data. As of March 20, due to the shortage of chips, the global auto market has reduced production by about 1.1584 milli…

  A few days ago, the auto industry data forecast company AutoForecast Solutions (hereinafter referred to as AFS) released the latest data. As of March 20, due to the shortage of chips, the global auto market has reduced production by about 1.1584 million vehicles this year. Among them, the cumulative production reduction in the Chinese auto market has increased, reaching 70,900 units, accounting for 6.1% of the cumulative production reduction in the global automotive market.

  In addition, data show that last week, the global auto market lost about 228,900 vehicles due to lack of cores, of which the largest reduction in vehicle production in Europe was about 174,300 vehicles, accounting for 76% of the reduction last week; China and other parts of Asia Lost production was similar at 19,800 and 19,700 vehicles; North America lost 11,900 vehicles.

  At the same time, due to the 7.4-magnitude earthquake in Japan on March 16, some factories in Japan of automakers and parts suppliers such as Toyota and Nissan were affected.

  On March 17, Toyota Motor said that due to the continued shortage of automotive semiconductors, it plans to produce an average of about 800,000 vehicles per month in the second quarter of this year, down from the production target set at the beginning of the year. Last week, Toyota announced the suspension of production at 18 production lines at 11 plants in Japan, most of which will be suspended for three days. Meanwhile, auto chip supplier Renesas Electronics also suspended production at three Japanese factories last week because of the earthquake.

  AFS predicts that due to multiple factors, the cumulative reduction in the global auto market this year will climb to 1,884,200 units.

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