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A 6.6-magnitude earthquake in Taiwan, China affected some machines in TSMC, UMC and other plants

A 6.6-magnitude earthquake in Taiwan, China affected some machines in TSMC, UMC and other plants


Beijing, March 23 news, early this morning, a magnitude 6.6 earthquake occurred in the waters of Taitung County, Taiwan, China. Since then, aftershocks have continued, affecting some high-tech science and technology parks.According to the Tainan Scien…

Beijing, March 23 news, early this morning, a magnitude 6.6 earthquake occurred in the waters of Taitung County, Taiwan, China. Since then, aftershocks have continued, affecting some high-tech science and technology parks.

According to the Tainan Science Park Administration, the epicenter was located 62.6 kilometers south of Hualien County, with a depth of 30.6 kilometers and a magnitude of 6.6 on the Richter scale. Among them, the Tainan Innolux B plant was 33.60 Gal (magnitude 4), and the TSMC 18 plant was 33.90 Gal (magnitude 4). ), Color Crystal 61.00Gal (Level 4).

Because the earthquake intensity reached magnitude 4, some manufacturers' production units were down, but there was no evacuation of personnel.

After follow-up confirmation, the staff of TSMC, UMC, Nanmao and other semiconductor factories are all safe, and only some sensitive units are down. Among them, in the Southern Science Park part, some units of Innolux's 2 plants were down, but it was finally confirmed that there was no impact.

TSMC said some of its equipment was affected by the quake, which is not expected to have a major impact, but the company is still making a final assessment of the actual impact.

It is reported that most of TSMC's factories did not meet the evacuation standards, only sporadic evacuation, and soon returned to the production line after the earthquake; UMC said that employees and factories are safe, and some machines need to be restarted to start the protection shutdown function. The overall first quarter performance Not affected.

It is understood that at 1:41 this morning, a 6.6-magnitude earthquake on the Richter scale occurred in Hualien, Taitung County. Level 4, Taichung Level 4, Yilan Level 4, Tainan Level 4, Changhua Level 4, Miaoli Level 4, Hsinchu Level 4, Pingtung Level 3, Taoyuan Level 3, Taipei Level 3, Penghu Level 2, Matsu Level 1.

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