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TSMC will spend 220 billion to expand 2nm production capacity

TSMC will spend 220 billion to expand 2nm production capacity


TSMC will spend NT$1 trillion (about 229 billion yuan) to expand its 2nm production capacity in Taichung, with the goal of mass production in 2025.

According to reports, TSMC will spend NT$1 trillion (about 229 billion yuan) to expand the 2nm production capacity layout in Taichung, and is expected to build a semiconductor industry chain park in Zhongqing Yigong.

The president of TSMC said at a speech conference held on April 14 that TSMC’s 2nm is expected to be the most mature and suitable technology to support customer growth, and TSMC’s goal is to mass-produce it in 2025.

It was previously reported that TSMC has already won the land for the Bamboo 2nm plant, and more than 90% of the landlords have agreed to purchase and levy, and it is expected to obtain all the land by June at the latest.

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