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Large-capacity NOR Flash is tight, vehicle-level demand leads, and price increases are imminent

Large-capacity NOR Flash is tight, vehicle-level demand leads, and price increases are imminent


According to reports, the supply and demand of NOR Flash are tight, and high demand may continue to push up prices.With the transfer of wafer production capacity, the overall capacity growth of the NOR Flash industry is limited. The report pointed out…

According to reports, the supply and demand of NOR Flash are tight, and high demand may continue to push up prices.

With the transfer of wafer production capacity, the overall capacity growth of the NOR Flash industry is limited. The report pointed out that now the supply chain is more actively focusing on high-value-added high-end medium and large-capacity products. The demand in the downstream terminal field led by automotive electronics is soaring. The industry expects that the high demand in the first half of this year is expected to drive prices up, and the industry will enter the peak of shipments in the second half of the year.

The recent statements of leading manufacturers and institutions also confirm this situation. Industrial Securities and Qunyi Securities pointed out a few days ago that driven by demand for automotive electronics, the high-capacity NOR Flash market is still expected to maintain a high degree of prosperity.

NOR Flash has fast reading speed, high stability, and no data loss when disconnected. Minsheng Securities pointed out that these advantages make it difficult to be replaced, and only NOR Flash can meet the needs of fast startup and reliability in automobiles and industries. CINNO predicts that the global NOR Flash market will reach US$3.72 billion in 2022, and will maintain an annual growth rate of about 10% in the future.

Overall, the main demand drivers for NOR Flash in 2022 will come from three fields, automobiles, 5G communications and smart wearable devices.

In automotive electronics, NOR Flash is mainly used in display systems, ADAS systems and other devices that require high startup speed. Jiwei Consulting predicts that the market space of NOR Flash in the automotive field can reach 800 million to 1.2 billion US dollars.

In 5G communication, the data shows that the base station AAU/BBU needs to carry 6-10 pieces of 512M-2GB NOR Flash. With the further advancement of the global 5G construction, the demand for large-capacity NOR Flash at the base station will also show explosive growth.

In wearable devices, with the addition of OTA, noise reduction and other functions to TWS headsets, and the continuous introduction of new functions such as biometrics and health detection in smart watches/bands, the demand for NOR Flash capacity has gradually increased.

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