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Shenzhen  Mingjiada Electronics Co., Ltd.

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Hejing Technology: The supply and demand of automotive chips are still relatively tight

Hejing Technology: The supply and demand of automotive chips are still relatively tight


The development of Hejing Technologys automotive electronics business is mainly limited by the constraints of upstream chips and other raw materials, including some automotive chips from Infineon, TI, NXP, etc. are still relatively tight.

Mingjiada news, recently, Hejing Technology recently said in an institutional survey that the current development of the company's automotive electronics business is mainly limited by upstream chips and other raw materials, including some automotive chips from Infineon, TI, NXP, etc. rather nervous. If the supply of upstream chips and other components is eased, the company has the ability to expand the output value of the automotive electronics business at any time.

As of now, the company's total orders for automotive electronic products in the second half of 2022 are 61.4876 million yuan, which has reached 90% of the revenue in the same period in 2021. In the future, as the supply of upstream chips and other components eases, and under the trend of electrification and intelligence in vehicles, the company's automotive electronics business will benefit from the development of the entire industry.

Hejing Technology started its automotive electronics business three years ago. At present, automotive electronics products include various sensors, controllers and battery management systems (BMS) for vehicles. On the whole, the company is currently less involved in the design of automotive electronic components or functional parts, and more of the production and manufacturing are completed according to the design and requirements of downstream customers, and the business model is more OEM.

Hejing Technology was established in 1998, mainly engaged in intelligent controller-related products. It was listed on the Growth Enterprise Market in 2011. After that, a series of diversified expansions have been carried out through mergers and acquisitions. In 2018, Jingzhou Huihe invested in Hejing Technology as a strategic investor and became the company's controlling shareholder in 2020. The company's current business is mainly divided into three major sections: the first major section is the original intelligent controller business, including refrigerator-based home appliances, automotive electronics and other categories (communication, industrial control, medical care, emerging consumption, etc.); The second largest segment is the intelligent informatization business, including system integration, IoT platforms and other related software and hardware products and services; the third largest segment is the education business, with related layouts including Universal World, Fujian Zhiqu and Youfan Technology.

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